BookTastic Sponsorship Packages

BookTastic Sponsorship Packages

BookTastic is the annual children’s book festival designed to generate a love of reading in all children, regardless of background.

A love of reading is one of the single biggest indicators of life satisfaction and success – your company can play a part in giving as many children in Bedford Borough as possible the opportunity to get pleasure from a book, improve their literacy levels and give them a lifelong love of books and reading.

1 in 4 children in the UK leave school unable to read to the accepted standard.

Literacy opens the door to everything that makes living in our society meaningful, and a LOVE of reading is key to developing

literacy. If a child loves to read they will actively participate in their own literacy development.

Do you want to play a part in increasing the number of children in Bedford Borough who have a love of reading? 

Our Partners and Sponsors are the ones who keep the authors and illustrators coming to meet the children in Bedford at every BookTastic Book Festival schools programme. 

Take a look at our Sponsorship Packages and get in touch to discuss your ideas in more detail.

Download BookTastic Sponsorship Package Information here